By ethtrustorg | Thursday, January 16th, 2020

The Ethereum Trust Alliance (ETA) is a group of global blockchain security companies that are creating a security rating system for smart contracts to help users both gain greater awareness of smart contract security and differentiate contracts which have gone through rigorous security checks. The founding members are MythX, Quantstamp, Runtime Verification, Sooho, SmartDec and ConsenSys Diligence.

In the near future, the ETA will make it very easy, and in many cases automatic, for a crypto wallet users will be able to see a contract’s security rating before they send valuable tokens to another address, and for investors and executives to assess the risk level of an Ethereum smart contract system before getting involved. ETA security rating badges will signal how much diligence has done into the security engineering and audit, and therefore how trustworthy a potential transaction is.

Contact us for more information and to stay informed about the upcoming publication of the ETA specification that will include rating level definitions and requirements, security tools and auditor requirements, process for application and issuance of ratings badges, and updates for when community trials and testing of the API and Registry begin.


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